Ring Size Guide
Printable Sizing Chart, How-To's, and Tips
Found a ring you love, but don’t know your size? Everyone’s fingers are a little different, and ensuring your ring is the correct size can make all the difference in comfort, wearability and keeping your ring in great condition.
We always recommend getting your ring size measured at your local jewelry store to get the most accurate results - a cylindrical tapered metal rod called a mandrel will tell you the precise size of an existing ring, and a set of sizers will be used to measure your fingers.
Bear in mind, your ring size can vary depending on the time of day, the temperature, your level of hydration, and so on -so it’s smart to get measured a few times to find your most accurate result.
Knowing someone’s size is ideal for a classic romantic gesture. If you are trying to find out someone else’s ring size, you can try measuring one of their existing rings - make sure it’s for the right finger!
Another option would be to check in with their family and friends, or simply just ask them, and have the design of the ring be the surprise.
It’s a good idea to choose a ring that can be resized if you’re not certain of the correct size. Many rings can be resized, but some ring styles cannot be resized. If it is a band set with stones all the way around, or with a repeating pattern all the way around, resizing it may be very difficult in the future.
We have created an at-home ring sizing guide for you in hopes that it will provide you with an approximated size. While it is not intended to be a replacement for an in-person measurement, it can be really helpful as a guide. Click here to print. To ensure your measurements are as accurate as possible, make sure to print it at 100% without scaling.
If you have any questions regarding ring sizing, ring choices, or really anything about rings, feel free to reach out to our ring-loving team on (213) 293-6088, or email us at info@livenco.com.